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Want to get one last camping adventure in before our campgrounds close on Saturday, October 15? Be sure to use discount code when booking online to save 25% off the nights of October 9-12.
Book a site online at – there's only one week left! ⛺ï¸
Or, use code '' to get 10% off your purchases on our website ( , from 12:00AM to 11:59PM) that day.
PLEASE NOTE: We can't guarantee on-time delivery for any orders placed after December 15, so be sure to order as soon as possible!
HistoricSL is hosting me for a book talk this coming Thursday, Nov 4 6:00 Eastern time. Zoom link below. A Prison in the Woods available at 30% off from umasspress thru 12/31. Promo code . Thanks for your support.