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fast_code_r_us Exactly!
But it didn't worked when I tested because it was a 32GB. Will test again later. I still do not get why it does not work with a FAT32 formatted 32GB microSD
according to that forum reply only >32 you need to use FatFS library ()
fast_code_r_us Exactly you can also use a gpio_hold_en ()
And that will hold it for you in a certain state after deepsleep (But will also consume a bit)
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🆕Adding Vision to with Edge Impulse
You only need a few lines of additional code to run powerful ML algorithms on , especially if you also use the Arduino framework and Edge Impulse.
#newarrivals This sensor supports the detection of various gas concentrations like CO, (Alcohol), H2, NO2, NH3, and integrates various gas concentration conversion formulas in the code to facilitate the testing and use of sensors.