We have the latest and free lighters coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes to give you the best savings. To use a coupon, simply click the coupon code and enter the code when checking out at the store.
Use code for Free shipping on orders over $249 (excludes filtered and little cigars, domestic shipments only) [Expires: 30 November 2024]
Checkout Dutch Masters Cigarillos and get $0.50 off now! Use the code: [Expires: 31 May 2024]
Free Shipping on All Orders Over $249.99! [Expires: 31 May 2024]
Checkout our closeout deal and get 10% off now! Use the code: [Expires: 31 May 2024]
Don't miss out on our exclusive Clearance Sale! We're offering an additional 15% off on all clearance items. You can use this code - AXMYC [Expires: 29 June 2024]
CLICK TO GET DEALBuy an Oliva special release sampler and get an Oliva Hat Tan Patch free [Expires: 16 June 2024]
Show Cigarillos $1.00 off- Coupon code [Expires: 30 July 2024]
Free shipping over $249.00 excluding filtered and little cigars! [Expires: 31 July 2024]
Free shipping over $249.00 excluding filtered and little cigars - [Expires: 30 July 2024]
White Owl Mini Cigarillos $1.00 off- Coupon code [Expires: 30 July 2024]
Show Cigarillos $1.00 off - [Expires: 31 July 2024]
Free shipping on orders over $249.00 [Expires: 31 August 2024]
Free shipping on orders over $249.00 - [Expires: 30 August 2024]
Buy any box of Oliva or Nub, and get a free Nub Ignition Lighter - Coupon Code: [Expires: 16 June 2024]
Checkout White Owl Mini Cigarillos and get $1.00 off now! [Expires: 31 July 2024]
Buy an Oliva special release sampler and get an Oliva Hat Tan Patch free- Coupon code: [Expires: 16 June 2024]
Free shipping over $249.00 Excluding Filtered and Little Cigars [Expires: 30 June 2024]
Buy any box of Oliva or Nub, and get a free Nub Ignition lighter [Expires: 16 June 2024]
15% OFF of CLEARANCE [Expires: 30 June 2024]
Buy any box of Acid and get a free Drew estate metal cigar cutter and drew estate stick lighter [Expires: 16 June 2024]
Cheyenne Filtered Cigars $2.00 Off [Expires: 30 June 2024]
Take 10% off all Clearance and Closeout! Once these items are gone, they’re gone for good! [Expires: 31 May 2024]
CRWNZ Natural Leaf Cigarillos $1.50 off- (Exclusive to Skimlinks on SaS) [Expires: 30 June 2024]
Checkout now and the code: for free shipping on orders over $249.00! [Expires: 31 May 2024]
Buy any box of Acid get a free Drew estate metal cigar cutter and drew estate stick lighter- Coupon Code: [Expires: 16 June 2024]
Checkout Djarum Filtered Cigars now and enjoy $1.50 off now! Use the code: [Expires: 31 May 2024]
Free shipping over $249.00 excluding filtered and little cigars- [Expires: 29 June 2024]
- Free shipping over $249.00, US only, excludes filtered and little cigars [Expires: 30 April 2024]
Free shipping over $249.00 Excluding Filtered and Little Cigars [Expires: 30 November 2024]
6. ST Dupont
10. Buylighters.com
12. Heinnie.com
14. Cgarsltd.co.uk
18. Tomtom.co.uk
19. Regencycigar.com
20. Pcsoutdoors.com
21. Fuelthearmy.com
23. Bucklecoupon.com
25. Dankstop.com
27. Zippo
28. pcsoutdoors
29. Pcs Outdoors
30. Cigar Manor, LLC
31. ArmyNavyShop