Virginia Opera’s 2012–13 Season brings the best of music, art and drama to the stage with four of the world’s finest operas. Each production is its own tour-de-force, weaving together enchanting melodies and captivating tales to thrill the opera lover in all of us. This season is a musical journey across the world of opera for you, our audience—the most important part of Virginia Opera. You won’t want to miss a single note!
SHOP NOW#LaTraviata was first performed on March 6, 1853! As a special gift to you, enjoy 17% off your tickets to #LaTraviata in Fairfax or Richmond when you use the promo code today and tomorrow!: #vaopera #opera #meetopera
Posted 2 years ago (06 March 2023)
#Save 25% on our upcoming show #OrpheusInTheUnderworld! PROMO CODE | Please Share!
Posted 9 years ago (17 September 2015)